ModMii HackMii Solutions Guidev8.0.0|25.03.10 Generated on Mon 03/10/2025 - 16:43
ModMii for Windows by XFlak
This software is not for sale. If you paid for this software or a "bundle" you have been scammed.
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This guide was generated using the following parameters:
This guide does not require an internet connection on your Wii.
An SD Card is required in order to complete this guide UNLESS you already have a working Homebrew Channel or forwarder channel; i.e. SD needed if launching yawmME with an exploit.
Check if your SD Card has a lock switch and make sure it's disabled.
If you get errors during any of the steps try reformatting your SD Card (or HDD) as FAT32.
If your Wii ever freezes, hold the power button on the Wii for 5 seconds to power it off then try again.
Never uninstall a System Menu or IOS.
When updating your softmod you should always overwrite old mods by installing new ones, do not try to "Delete everything" or "Start from scratch".
To update your mods in the future you can use the ModMii Wizard as if it was your first time, or even better, update only what's outdated using ModMii's Syscheck Updater Wizard and reduce the number of steps!
If you accept an official Nintendo update after modding the Wii, you may lose some of your modifications and have to reinstall them.
Do not install untested WADs/themes without Priiloader, Bootmii and a nand backup.
It's probably unnecessary, but you should disconnect all peripherals from the Wii during the modding procedure unless instructed otherwise. This includes gamecube memory cards, gamecube controllers, Wii Speak, etc.
USB hard drives configured to work on a Wii will also work on vWii (virtual Wii on WiiU) and Wii Mini and vice versa.
Partition style\format information for devices that were connected when this guide was created has been saved to the spoiler below.
DeviceID Filesystem
F: FAT32
Partition Style below should be MBR by default for almost all SD Cards. If for some reason yours is not, convert it to MBR using the directions from ModMii's USB-Loader Setup guide.
Number Friendly Name Serial Number HealthStatus OperationalStatus Total Size Partition Style
1 SDHC Healthy Online 14.46 GB MBR
Note: If you don't have an SD Card, you can still accomplish most things using a Hard Drive formatted as FAT32 in place of an SD Card (SD is notably required for Bootmii and NAND backup). Make sure to always plug your hard drive into USB port0 - the one nearest the edge of the Wii. If you don't have an SD Card or Hard Drive,
you can launch apps and install WADs over the internet to your Wii from your PC. Just open apps (boot.dol\elf files) or WADs with ModMii. Note that some apps may not work properly or support all features if they require an SD or HDD and you should never attempt to change the region of a console via the internet.
First, insert your SD Card into your PC and determine if it needs to be formatted by checking the current Format\File-System of the SD Card.
Open "This PC" or "My Computer", right-click the SD Card you want to use, then select "Properties".
If "This PC" or "My Computer" is not on the desktop it can be accessed using the ⊞ Win+E keyboard combination.
Make note of the Drive Letter of the SD Card as this will be important later.
If the "File-System" is already FAT32, you can skip this step.
If you have anything saved to the SD Card, you should back it up now as all the data will be lost once you format it.
Launch FAT32 GUI Formatter from shortcuts on your Start Menu or Desktop or directly from C:\ModMii\Program Files
Carefully select the correct drive letter corresponding to your SD Card.
You may optionally uncheck the "Quick Format" box, then click "Start".
When completed it should display "Done".
If you get an error indicating the device is in use, try again after first closing all of your file explorer windows, even the ones that weren't browsing the device.
Click the "Close" button.
Copy the files ModMii downloaded to your SD Card.
The files should be saved here: "C:\ModMii\COPY_TO_SD"
• Your folder structure should look similar to this:
💾 SD Card or USB Drive
┗ 📁apps
┣ 📁AppName1
┣ 📄boot.dol
┣ 📄meta.xml
┗ 📄icon.png
┣ (All other Wii apps should be here too)
• Your folder structure should not look like this:
💾 SD Card or USB Drive
When the files are finished copying to the SD card, you should safely remove your SD Card from your computer and reinsert it into your console and proceed to the next step.
Launch YAWM ModMii Edition (yawmME)
Start the Homebrew Channel (HBC) and load YAWM ModMii Edition (Yet Another Wad Manager ModMii Edition). Once you've loaded it, move onto the next step.
If you are missing the HBC or it is failing to load any apps, you will need to launch yawmME using another method.
Note: if this Wii was previously modified, and it still has a Forwarder Channel installed, you can use that to launch yawmME instead of an exploit. Just save the boot.dol\elf from the app you want to load (ie. SD:\apps\yawmME\boot.dol) to the location used by your specific Forwarder Channel (ie. SD:\apps\usbloader_gx\boot.dol). Then start the channel and the app will load.
If this is truly your first time modding your Wii, please continue with this step to launch an exploit. An exploit is a vulnerability in the Wii's software that gives us access to launch the tools we'll need to complete this guide.
Launch an Exploit
You only need to perform ONE of the these exploits to complete this guide.
Note that if you're missing an SD Card or your SD Card reader is broken, you cannot readily use the str2hax exploit to launch YAWM ModMii Edition.
Requirements: an internet connection on your Wii, but does not require an SD card to launch the HackMii Installer. Will prioritize launching SD:\boot.elf if found. Cannot launch dols. Works on Wii only.
If you have connection issues ensure your router is supported by the Wii and configured in line with these guidelines.
Go to the "Wii Options" Menu, then select "Wii Settings", then go to Page 2 and select "Internet", select "Connection Settings", then choose your active connection.
Select "Change settings" and scroll 3 times to the right to select "Auto-Obtain DNS" (Not IP Address)
Select "No" then select "Advanced Settings".
Change both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to
If you later have connection test issues or other problems check here to confirm whether the str2hax DNS has recently changed as it does from time to time.
Select "Confirm", then "Save", and then select "OK" to run a connection test.
If the connection test was successful, select "No" to skip the Wii System Update.
If the connection test does not work, make sure you have a working internet connection and DNS was enterred correctly, then try again. If it still fails you should choose a different exploit.
Select "Back" two times to return to the "Internet panel", then select User Agreements or Agreement/Contact.
Select "Yes" to the using the Wii Shop Channel and WiiConnect24.
Click "Next" to review User Agreements.
If you see a heart-shaped pony on your screen then you have done everything correctly.
Select "I Accept" to continue.
After clicking "I Accept" it is normal for your Wii remote not to respond for 1-2 minutes before launching your homebrew application.
If it takes longer than 2 minutes then turn off your Wii by holding the power button for 5 seconds and try again.
If it keeps failing you should choose a different exploit.
Fun Facts about str2hax! If a boot.elf file is detected on the root of your SD card, str2hax will launch it instead of automatically downloading then launching the HackMii Installer. And did you know when str2hax is finished, it will reset your DNS to Google's and You can leave it this way or re-enable Auto-Obtain DNS, or change it to Cloudflare's, or use WiiLink's DNS, the choice is yours!
Bannerbomb v1
Requirements: SD Card; SDHC and SDXC also work if on System Menu 4.0 or 4.1. Works on System Menus 3.0 to 4.1. Can launch both dols and elfs. Works on Wii only.
Run Bannerbomb v1 by going to Wii Options, Data Management, Channels, SD Card and choosing yes to load boot.dol/elf.
Note: If it doesn't work for you, visit for more variations of Bannerbomb v1 (ignore the suggestion to update and use LetterBomb).
In order to use the SD Card Menu normally again after following this guide, you can remove Bannerbomb from your SD card with ModMii's File Cleanup feature, or by manually deleting the "aktn" folder where bannerbomb is saved (SD:\private\wii\title).
Wilbrand; aka Letterbomb, Mailbox Bomb
Requirements: SD Card; SDHC and SDXC also work if on System Menu 4.0 or higher. Works on System Menus 3.0 to 4.3. Can launch both dols and elfs. Works on Wii only.
Download Wilbrand and Save it to your SD Card
Note: Wilbrand is console specific, do not use the MAC Address shown in the video or it will not work for you.
On your Wii, go to Wii Settings, then Internet, then Console Information and make note of your MAC address.
Click the spoiler button below to download Wilbrand.
Input your Wii's MAC Address and your System Menu Version.
Make sure Bundle the HackMii Installer is NOT checked.
Complete the CAPTCHA and cut either wire to download your LetterBomb.
Whichever wire you choose doesn’t matter.
Extract the private folder from the downloaded ZIP to the root of your SD card, then insert it into your Wii.
Wilbrand is sourced from, if you don't see an area to type in your MAC Address above, please go directly to
Launch Wilbrand on your Wii
On your Wii, return to the Wii Menu and then open the "Message Board" and navigate to Yesterday.
Click on the envelope with the pink bomb icon to launch the boot.elf/dol file saved on the root of your SD Card.
If you cannot find the mailbox bomb under "Yesterday" check that your Wii's date setting is correct.
Fun Fact! There are two tools that are able to construct this exploit. Wilbrand's Mailbox bomb is functionally the same as "LetterBomb" except letterbomb only works on 4.3 System Menu versions.
This will launch YAWM ModMii Edition.
Install WADs
YAWM ModMii Edition stands for Yet Another Wad Manager ModMii Edition (aka yawmME). A WAD Manager will allow you to install "WADs" containing things like updates and other content for your console, like IOSs, custom IOSs (or cIOSs), or other downloadable content, which can be all packed into WADs and installed to your console. Think of a WAD like a zip file but for the Wii.
WARNINGS: Do not unplug the console when installing WADs. WADs can also be uninstalled, and if you're not careful you can brick your console by uninstalling or even installing the wrong WAD. The WAD Manager you're using, YAWM ModMii Edition, has some extra brick protection built in to restrict someone from doing catastrophic things like uninstalling any System Menu WAD, or required System Menu IOS, or a dozen other things which could potentially result in a brick if you don't know what you're doing. Stick to your ModMii guide and you'll be fine.
Fun Fact! I mentioned IOSs and cIOSs before, "the Wii console uses the 'IOS' system to communicate with the hardware, it's like a driver (compared to Windows). It contains information and communication tools (like how to access the Disc drive, how to access USB, read the savegames data stored on internal memory, etc.)" ~Cyan. If you're curious to learn more about IOSs or cIOSs, a thorough explanation can be found in Cyan's IOS Explanation post.
From YAWM ModMii Edition's main menu choose your source device using left and right, most likely "Wii SD Slot", and Press A.
Install the 6 WADs listed below.
Be careful not to install any additional WADs that may have been previously saved in this folder (they may be safe, but I cannot say for sure).
Fun Fact! Installing a clean/unpatched version of IOS58 should be enough to make the HackMii Installer happy, but we're (re)installing a few extra IOSs that the HackMii Installer is known to play nicely with just in case.
Hold + for 2 seconds to select all the WADs in the folder.
Alternatively, you can select or deselect your WADs individually by navigating to each one and hitting +.
Warning: do not use minus (-) as this will mark WADs for uninstallation.
After you've marked all the WADs listed above, press A.
Double check the total number selected for installation matches your list above, then press A again to install.
If some WADs fail to install continue with this guide anyway; but later if both versions of the HackMii Installer don't work return to this step.
After successfully installing all the WADs, press any button to continue.
Then press the B button to go back to the root of your device.
Choose "apps" then press A.
Navigate to "HackMii_Installer" and press A.
If this version fails during the next step, try launching "HackMii_Installer_v1.0" instead.
Scroll to "boot.elf" and press A again.
Press A to launch the HackMii Installer's boot.elf.
Installing the Homebrew Channel (HBC) And Bootmii
After you have completed this step and successfully (re)installed the HBC and Bootmii, you are finished with this guide and should continue with the main ModMii Wizard to update the rest of your softmods, starting with making a NAND backup.
Use the HackMii Installer to install the HBC and Bootmii The HackMii installer will enable you to install the Homebrew Channel and Bootmii.
The Homebrew Channel allows you to launch Wii homebrew applications off your SD card or Hard Drive.
Bootmii is a piece of software that can backup and restore your Wii's NAND storage and provides brick protection.
Upon launching the HackMii Installer, you will be greeted by a scam warning screen.
After waiting 30 seconds the message "Press 1 to continue" should appear.
Press 1 to continue.
Or if you are using a Gamecube controller, press A to continue.
Press A to continue, then press ↑ until "Install the Homebrew Channel" is selected and press A, then select "Yes, continue" to install it.
When completed the installer should display "SUCCESS".
Press A to continue to the main menu.
From the main menu, press ↓ twice to select "Bootmii...", then press A.
From the Bootmii menu, navigate to "Install Bootmii as IOS" and press A, then select "Yes, continue" to write runtime files to the SD Card, then "Yes, continue" again to install Bootmii as IOS.
When completed the installer should display "SUCCESS".
If the installer fails, double check the SD Card's lock switch is disabled (if applicable) or try a different card all together. If you're missing a Bootmii compatible SD Card you can skip installing Bootmii and making a nand backup for now until you get a compatible SD Card.
Press A to continue to the Bootmii menu.
From the Bootmii menu, check to see if "Install Bootmii as boot2" is an option.
Navigate to "Install Bootmii as boot2" if it's listed as an option and press A. Then install it following the same procedure to install Bootmii as IOS described above.
After installing Bootmii as IOS and as boot2 (if possible), navigate to "Return to the main menu" and press A, then go down to "Exit" and press A to exit to the Homebrew Channel.
Some notes about Bootmii as IOS and Bootmii as boot2
It is recommended to have Bootmii installed as both IOS and as boot2, if possible.
Installing Bootmii as boot2 is only an option available on older Wii's and it provides the greatest level of brick protection.
Do not worry if your Wii is not capable of installing Bootmii as boot2, all Wii's can still install Priiloader; and with Priiloader installed you can recover from the majority of bricks. So long as you do not uninstall Priiloader, your System Menu, or System Menu IOS you will be able to recover even without Bootmii installed as boot2.
If Bootmii is installed to boot2, you can access Bootmii and the Homebrew Channel before the system menu (or Priiloader) is loaded, this will allow you to launch homebrew as needed to fix bricks or restore NAND backups. If Bootmii is installed to boot2, it will load the Bootmii menu each time the Wii starts up only if a Bootmii folder is detected on your SD card. If you move or rename this folder, the Wii will continue to boot the system menu (or Priiloader if installed).
All Wii's are able to install Bootmii as IOS.
While Bootmii as IOS does not by itself provide much brick protection, it will allow you to make a NAND backup. When combined with Priiloader, a NAND backup may help you recover from potential semi-bricks in the future.
ModMii was written entirely by yours truly, XFlak. Trust me, no one else is crazy enough to try to maintain a batch file that has grown so large and 'all over the place'. But without the help of many other very talented people ModMii would not exist. Some people have contributed supporting files or programs, others have shared their knowledge, some have provided ideas and others have given their time.
I have tried my best to recognize everyone's contribution to ModMii regardless of how big or small it is. If I've forgotten someone, please notify me and I'll add them to the credits as quickly as possible.
Team Twiizers
Thanks to Team Twiizers for creating the revolutionary HackMii Installer. Without their hard work, the Wii might never have been unlocked. Many Team Twiizer Members went on to join Team Fail Overflow; a team that played a vital role in unlocking the PS3.
I especially want to thank Bushing (may he rest in peace), who before his untimely passing gave ModMii his blessing to download and use the HackMii Installer.
Giantpune is a legend in the Wii Scene and I consider him to be a good friend of mine. He created many exploits, including the Smash Stack exploit for PAL and KOR Wii's (which is maybe still the only method to fix 003 bricked Wii's), the Channel Forwarder dol, USB Loader GX, and many other computer programs to repair or virginize Wii's.
He's contributed code to more projects than I even know about, so its impossible for me to truly convey his impact on the scene. He even took the time to explain a few things to me about cIOSs when ModMii was in its early stages and still known as NUS Auto Downloader.
DeadlyFoez is legendary for his Wii Repairs and infectus tutorial. He also played a key role in the ModMii v5.0.0 update not only by helping come up with the idea for using html guides but also creating the template for ModMii's custom html guides and recording almost all of the videos and images they use. Within 1.5 weeks since our initial conversation we were able to collaborate and bring the idea to life in time to release it for Christmas. Working with him on this was a truly rewarding and fun experience. DeadlyFoez also single-handedly built the first official ModMii website.
What can I say about THE "DeadlyFoez" on a personal level. He's always getting me into trouble but his friendship is worth every fiasco! It's unreal how he became one of my best friends. Just goes to show you not everyone you meet online is totally crazy; in his case... just a little crazy. But seriously, thanks to DeadlyFoez for always being there for me to bounce ModMii ideas off of, for hosting our Team Your Mom meetings and for introducing me to his awesome family and friends. There's no one else I'd rather geek out with and I'll always have your back.
He's my bro, my cuz, my best man and the reason I ever bought or modded a Wii. "XFlak" would have died many years ago if not for him. Thanks Violator, for getting me interested in this stuff, and for all the awesome music you recorded for ModMii and my Top Wii Channels.
Thanks for his work developing KoreanKii (with tueidj), Syscheck HD Edition, sharing his webhosting space with me, and for all his jokes; I'll never get tired of our endless patriotic "debates".
Crediar, Daco Taco and Phpgeek
The above people all had a hand in creating Priiloader. This was another revolutionary tool mainly because it was the first to offer some level of protection to newer Wii's that were unable to install Bootmii at boot2. Crediar developed the original preloader as well as s/uneek, Nintendont, NMM, DML, etc. Special thanks to Daco Taco for being the last man standing in terms of actively improving/maintaining Priiloader, not to mention developing OpenDolBoot and just generally being very helpful and knowledgeable.
Thanks for his work on libWiiPy, WiiPy, NUSGet and more! It was a pleasure working with him to test his tools and he was always very open to feedback and feature requests.
In addition to being a member of Team Twiizers and contributing to the HackMii Installer, Comex created the heavily utilized bannerbomb exploit. This exploit is what allows Wii's on firmwares 3.0-4.2 to be softmodded with only an SD Card instead of needing one of a few specific Wii Games.
Maschell and GaryOderNichts
Thanks for being absolute legends in the WiiU and vWii scene!
Waninkoko was the first to publicly release a cIOS and other excellent apps like WAD manager, Save Game Manager, USB loader, etc. I also want to thank him for giving ModMii permission to recreate his cIOSs in WAD form.
Hermes and Rodries
Hermes is well known for his cIOS 222/223/224 and for his usbloader "uloader". For a time his cIOSs were the only ones to work with RockBand type games and they are still highly utilized today. Thanks to Rodries for improving upon Hermes v5.1 cIOSs.
davebaol, blackb0x, XFlak and xabby
These developers worked together to modify Waninkoko's rev21 cIOS and created a new "d2x" cIOS. This cIOS is currently considered the ultimate cIOS because it corrected many bugs and added features that were previously thought to be impossible (ie. Support for IOS Reloading Games). WiiPower was also heavily influential in achieving IOS Reload Support.
Thanks for his work developing the str2hax and bluebomb exploits.
WiiGator created a cMIOS and Gamecube Backup Launcher. Any GameCube fans owe a big thank you to WiiGator for his work.
cwstjdenobs is one of the few people I've encountered in the Wii scene that I would love to treat to a beer. He was always very supportive of me and encouraged me to ask him as many questions as I'd like. He is probably most well known for YAWMM (Yet Another Wad Manager Mod) which was the first Wad Manager to add brick protection by restricting users from making silly mistakes like uninstalling or stubbing a crucial file. He's also made and modified apps specifically for ModMii. For example, he modified WadMii so it doesn't timestamp WADs and he also made a setting.txt builder for ModMii's NAND builder.
Leathl is another awesome developer who supported me before I became well known by expanding upon his apps to further support ModMii. Leathl has created many Wii apps including ShowMiiWads, CustomizeMii, libWiiSharp, patchios, nusfilegrabber, etc. Despite his recent inactivity, his apps are still highly used today... just goes to show you that quality work never gets old. I also want to thank RetroHead for his Mod of ShowMiiWads which ModMii uses to build emulated nands without requiring any input from the user. libWiiSharp.dll is based on, the devs are Megazig, Omega, Xuzz, SquidMan, Matt_P and The Lemon Man. Also thanks to Daeken for writing and marcan for his LZ77 code.
scooby74029's most well known for sneeky compiler, which is able to build multiple different versions of s\uneek. ModMii will always construct the latest version of s\uneek available on his sneeky compiler google code webpage. This means he has total control over what version of s\uneek ModMii will construct. He also created modifications of Leathl's libWiiSharp.dll and patchios.exe to further support ModMii. Additionally, he's modified other apps like Any Region Changer ModMii Edition, JoyFlow, JoyLoader GX, JoyLoader CFG, etc. On top of all that, he's an all around awesome person and I'm proud to be on his friends list.
person66 has had a hand in many projects, but most noteworthy are his sharpii cmd line tool and his Universal Forwarder Creator. He also wrote the intial version of an autoit script that is used to launch ModMii with an icon, arguments and other useful functions.
Thanks for trading little bits of batch coding knowledge with me. It's great having a fellow batch coder for a friend; we are a dying breed, so keep up the great work with Universal Forwarder Creator and all your other projects.
WiiPower and shoutplenty
WiiPower created Neogamma which is hands down the best backup disc loader for the Wii. He also contributed code to many other popular usb-loaders and had a hand in adding IOS Reloading support to the d2x cIOSs. Furthermore he also modified WiiGators cMIOS, which was later further modded by shoutplenty to include Swiss, and is considered the ultimate cMIOS today.
OverjoY and obcd
OverjoY created JoyFlow, a modification of WiiFlow that runs on s\uneek. He then teamed up with obcd to accomplish some seriously amazing things, like building their mod of s\uneek, NEEK2O, that allows it to load games in wbfs format and select from multiple emulated NANDs.
Maeson and NoobletCheese
Thanks for researching video filters in such detail to get Deflicker video filter mods working just right!
Thanks for developing and hosting an updated server to save SysCheck report uploads.
Arikado and the Dop-Mii Team
They created Dop-Mii; a lot of apps borrow code from Dop-Mii, so even if you have never used Dop-Mii but used MMM or WiiMod then you owe a thank you to these people.
For his work on wad2bin, Yet Another BlueDump MOD, ww-43db-patcher and for being a part of ModMii's development and testing discord.
He made Multi-Mod Manager (MMM) which has the functions of many different Wii modding tools all in one user friendly app.
WB3000 and WiiNinja
Thanks to WB3000 for creating NUS Downloader and to WiiNinja for making a cmd line version of NUS Downloader. NUS Downloader was one of ModMii's vital supporting apps.
TheShadowEevee helped update many tools with a new NUS endpoint. He also helped implement some fixes and improvements to Any Region Changer ModMii Edition.
WiiCrazy is most famous for "Wii Game Shortcut Creator" (formerly known as "Crap"), Crazy Intro and Crazy Intro Video. He also contributed to usb-loaders by bypassing some game specific security. WiiCrazy is another person who's always been willing to do everything in his power to help me, or anyone else for that matter.
oggzee, usptactical, gannon and Dr.Clipper
Together the above people compose the Configurable USB Loader Team. Back in the day, this usb-loader was always the first to add new features and in my opinion it's one of the top three best usb-loader out there.
Cyan, dimok, blackb0x and the USBLoaderGX team
Thanks for their work on USBLoaderGX. It is one of the most feature-rich usb-loaders and has quickly become a favourite among the community. I also want to thank Cyan specifically for his excellent support of users on gbatemp for many years; he has probably explained what an IOS is more times than I can count!
OverjoY, blackb0x, Peter0x44, scooby74029 and thepikachugamer
This dream team of developers brought my vision to life when they created YAWM ModMii Edition.
Hibernatus, Fledge68 and the WiiFlow team
Thanks for their work on WiiFlow. It was always beautiful, but now it's got all sorts of bells and whistles, you should check it out.
Thanks to Wiimm for creating Wiimmfi and Wiimms ISO Tools, including wit.exe which ModMii uses to convert Wii Games to s/uneek format, build forwarder ISOs and enabled\disable Deflicker video filters.
For his work on Wiimmfi, as well as d2xl and other amazing projects.
diddy81 and symular syn of the Wii Theme Team
The Wii Theme Team has created some of the best Wii Themes ever made! All of the alternative themes available in ModMii were created by them. I want to thank diddy81 in particular for working with me to ensure that all his themes worked perfectly for all regions.
FIX94, Narolez and the WiiXplorer Team
Thanks to all these people for their contributions in making the best SD/USB forwarder. I want to thank FIX94 in particular who not only worked on Nintendont, Some YAWMM Mod, WiiFlow and literally every other big Wii application, but he also spent a lot of time testing ModMii's Forwarder Builder.
Thanks to jskyboo for creating WiiMod. His app can do a lot of different things, and it was the first ahbprot enabled WAD Manager to incorporate davebaol's ahbprot bugfix.
ModMii's Translators
Tranlating ModMii is an enormous amount of work. It's very challenging to get special characters to display correctly in a cmd window, not to mention keeping everything formatted properly. But probably the most difficult part of translating ModMii is keeping up with the updates. If you use a translated version of ModMii, I encourage you to thank your translator because it truly is a LOT of work to do.
French Translators: mamule, xav91 and ketufe
Dutch Translator: Hielkenator
Italian Translators: Wasabi, Step and Robilyn
Spanish Translators: ledebene and Burton
Korean Translator: DDinghoya
Thanks Fig2k4 for WiiBackupManager. It was a pleasure beta testing it for you and sharing my ideas with you. I hope to see you around the forums again and that you continue working on your amazing program.
Gabubu, sthetix, Foxlet, Alexander1970, Vila and Aep
Thanks for recording, editing or upscaling many of the Youtube videos used by ModMii. Special thanks to Gabubu who single-handedly created all the new\updated videos in the 7.0.0 update, and also updated GFX for a bunch of ModMii's Wii channels.
WiiShizzza, pepxl, RobGee789, M3RK, AuroraNemoia and emilydaemon
Thanks to WiiShizzza for creating ModMii's new icon and to pepxl for creating ModMii's original icon. I want to thank everyone who created a ModMii icon and submitted it into ModMii's new icon competition.
RobGee789 and M3RK made ModMii Skin's original graphics. AuroraNemoia made ModMii Skin's new (2022) default\Nebula theme. It was a pleasure working with them, they were all very open to feedback and willing to "go back to the drawing board", so to speak, as many times as it took to get it perfect. Thanks guys!
dhtdht020, Gabubu, Artuto and the Open Shop Channel team
Thanks for maintaining! Special thanks to dhtdht020 for refreshing the ModMii icons in 2022; now I have a rainbow of icons to choose from should the need arise.
vgmoose, pwsincd, Nightkingale, Gabubu and the Homebrew App Store team
Thanks for maintaining and all the other projects you've contributed to!
My Fellow Guide Writers
Thanks to tj_cool, xzxero, burritoboy9984, ChokeD, mauifrog, playerjmr, Ingunar and the Wii\WiiU hacks guide team for their awesome guides. I especially want to thank tj_cool and xzxero for inviting me to join "The Crew" at the Complete Softmod Guide. I'll never forget how great it felt to be relatively new to the scene and to be invited to join you all as equals.
Wii.Hacks.Guide and WiiLink\RiiConnect24 teams
Thanks in particular go out to Peter0x44, Larsenv and KcrPL. Brainstorming and collaborating with you guys made the 2020 lockdowns feel somewhat bearable. Special thanks to Peter0x44 for helping me set up the ModMii discord server to a much higher standard than I could have ever hoped to do on my own.
Thanks for helping me understand the structure of a cIOS so I could better recreate it in WAD form. For those of you who don't know him, DaMysteryMan is most well known for his ever controversial app - DarkCorp (formerly known as cIOSCorp).
Thanks to Gannon for bootopera, which I was able to mod to create the URL loader base dol.
Thanks to Devnol for properly modifying the Open HBC to use the same title ID as the official HBC (LULZ).
ca032769 and Al_Touriste
Thanks for their tutorials on how to use a larger than 2TB Hard Drive on a Wii as a Single FAT32 Partition.
All My Beta Testers!
It's because of you guys that ModMii is as stable as it is. Considering that ModMii is developed entirely in notepad without any kind of debugger or developer tools; it's pretty remarkable that ModMii has always been bug-free (albeit with a couple minor exceptions). Thanks for your never-ending devotion to quality control!
Here's a list of some of ModMii's beta testers (in no particular order): scooby74029, DeadlyFoez, redia, Etheboss, JoostinOnline, person66, brausm08, geovalley, undeadsquirrel, mauifrog, FIX94, wolf, Larsenv, Peter0x44, Alexander1970, Cyan, Damaj301damaj, Function, forseenink, jeannotte, saulfabreg, Vila, ca032769, godreborn, KleinesSinchen, RunningSnakes, Scooty, bibarub, Aep, Isla, beta215, Binsky, CoolMe, forseenink, Maeson, grandosegood, and last but certainly not least, Denver Gamer and Clutz450. @Clutz450 and Denver Gamer, you guys rock, I really enjoyed discussing your ModMii tutorial videos and your ideas on the little ways ModMii could be made even better.
Without you, there would be no reason for ModMii to exist. Thanks for using ModMii for all your Wii\WiiU softmodding needs!
Supporting Apps and Sources
Below is a list of the supporting apps bundled with ModMii and their sources. If a link is missing or broken, you can still get it from ModMii's Supporting Files Archive.
Source code for ModMii itself is available is available at github, but you can just open the bat files from it's support folder in notepad or similar text editor.
ModMii started out as a small side-project back in 2010 as a simple NUS Auto Downloader script, and now the changelog is taller than me! I started this project in my 20s in my spare time and since then I've gotten married and had not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR boys, all ~2 years apart. I love being able to share my love for gaming and for the Wii with them, and with all of you! This is a passion project that has easily taken over 9000-10000 hours of just my time alone, and that's not counting all the hours spent from the legions of devs and testers who've supported ModMii over the years.
Not knowing that much about computers other than some excel tricks, I slowly built more advanced features on top of my original less efficient code that I'd love to rewrite if it wasn't such a daunting task. Throughout the journey I learned a lot from not just those in the credits list, but the incredibly supportive Wii community as a whole. I've gone from just being a "numbers guy" to my family's go to "tech guy", and I have this project, community and followers to thank for it.
ModMii is entirely free to use and ad free. Donations can optionally be made to the author using the button below, or pick your favourite contributor from the credits and check if they have a donations page.
If you're like me and it's difficult to show support with donations, consider taking a minute to vote or share your feedback at the official ModMii page on gbatemp. I always enjoy hearing feedback about your ModMii experience.